Greeters Serve as greeters As people enter the church on weekends and Sundays, and at baptisms and funerals, they are met and welcomed by our...
Evangelism Outreach to NHC Healthcare Residents The Evangelism team met with staff at NHC HealthCare to discuss a faith-based relationship with residents. NHC would like to provide...
Water Mission Helping Hear what Water Mission is doing to help the people in Pakistan. “At Water Mission, we are living out our value of love (loving God and...
NAMI Walk A multitude of folk showed up for a Beach walk today to raise awareness and support for NAMI. That is the National Alliance on Mental...
Ukraine top priority for Global Ministries The United Methodist Committee on Relief has approved more than $17 million so far to help the people of Ukraine cope with the invasion...
Water Mission at Work Water Mission, one of the missions Church of the Palms supports, has been responding to the crisis in Ukraine since the conflict started...
Emmaus The Walk To Emmaus The walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short...
Support Mercy Mission Please continue to bring your canned and packaged food donations plus unopened toiletries to the containers in the narthex for The Mercy...