Your membership means more than simply signing a piece of paper. Becoming a member of Church of the Palms expresses your commitment to this “spiritual family,” a family that connects to God, connects to others, and by the grace of God, transforms the world.
We are so committed to connecting with you that we have developed a process to help you solidify your understanding of Church of the Palms and find your place.
Steps to Membership
If after prayerful consideration, you decide to make the commitment to become a member of Church of the Palms.
- Arrange to meet with Pastor Shannon by calling the church office at 843-379-1888.
- Any adult seeking membership at Church of the Palms should be baptized, if this has not already occurred.
- Print and complete the Family Information Sheet and drop it off at the church office. This information will be useful to Pastor Pete during your meeting together.
- After meeting with Pastor Shannon, you are invited to make your membership vows as part of a Sunday morning worship. If applicable, your baptism may also occur on that same Sunday.
Methods of Joining
- Profession of Faith / Reaffirmation of Faith- those who desire to profess their Christian faith for the first time, or after a long absence from any church involvement.
- Profession of Faith with baptism – same as above with the sacrament of baptism for those who have never been baptized.
- Transfer from another denomination – those who have a current church membership in a denomination other than the United Methodist church.
- Transfer from another United Methodist Church – those who currently have their membership in another United Methodist congregation
Commonly Asked Questions
A: Yes, any adult seeking membership at Church of the Palms should be baptized. The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms from any Christian denomination. If you have not been previously baptized and would like to be baptized at Church of the Palms, please call the church office or Pastor Shannon at 843-379-1888.
A: Please call the church office or Rev. Dr. Lee van Rensburg at 843-379-1888.
A: Yes, after taking vows of membership, our membership secretary will request a transfer from your previous church. The information provided on the Family Information Sheet.
will be helpful in this task.